Oxalis triangularis 'Mijke', also known as the Purple Shamrock, is a strikingly beautiful and popular variety of Oxalis, well-loved for its unique, deep purple, triangular leaves and delicate pinkish-white flowers. This plant is highly regarded not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for its fascinating leaf movements in response to light. Here's a detailed description and care guide for Oxalis triangularis 'Mijke':
Oxalis triangularis 'Mijke' features vibrant, purple, triangular leaves that fold down at night or in dim light and open up in bright light, a phenomenon known as nyctinasty. The leaves are arranged in groups of three, resembling butterfly wings. During the growing season, it produces small, delicate flowers that can add a charming touch to the striking foliage.
Care Guide
Oxalis triangularis 'Mijke' prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate moderate light levels. Too much direct sunlight can cause leaf burn, while too little light may cause the plant to become leggy and lose its vibrant color. A spot near a window with filtered light is ideal.
Water this plant when the top inch of soil feels dry. It's important not to overwater Oxalis, as it is susceptible to root rot. The plant likes even moisture but will forgive occasional dry spells. During dormancy (typically in late fall to winter), reduce watering significantly, allowing the soil to dry out completely as the plant rests.
Use a well-draining potting mix. A general-purpose potting soil mixed with perlite or sand is suitable, ensuring good drainage while still retaining sufficient moisture to support the plant's needs.
Temperature and Humidity
Oxalis triangularis 'Mijke' thrives in temperatures between 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. It does not handle extreme cold well and should be protected from drafts and sudden temperature changes. Average room humidity is adequate, but if the air is very dry, especially during winter heating, a slight increase in humidity can be beneficial.
Feed the plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks during the active growing season (spring and summer). Reduce fertilization during dormancy, and do not fertilize when the plant has died back.
Pruning is generally not necessary, but you may remove spent flowers and any yellow or dead leaves to maintain the plant's appearance and health. This also helps prevent disease.
Pests and Diseases
Oxalis triangularis 'Mijke' is relatively pest-resistant but keep an eye out for common pests like aphids and spider mites. If pests are detected, treat with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Overwatering can lead to fungal issues, so ensure the plant is not left in soggy soil.
Oxalis triangularis 'Mijke' is a delightful and easy-to-care-for plant, adding a splash of color and interest to any indoor space. Its ability to adapt to various light conditions and the dramatic daily movement of its leaves make it a fascinating addition to plant collections, perfect for beginners and experienced gardeners alike.